Showing posts from August 10, 2023

What is WTI and OTI in transfomers Transformers play an important role in the electricity transmission and distribution process after the generation process. They are installed on substations to step down or step up the voltage values…

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Internet of Things

What is Internet of Things (IoT)? Let me assume that you are reading this page using your desktop, mobile or laptop which is connected to the internet.   IoT can be defined as the number of devices that are connected to the internet to…

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The Dark Web Explained As it is termed, the word Dark Web (DW) is too intimidating? But what actually is DW? The biggest global system-the internet holds everything/ every information about everyone. The internet comes in layers viz…

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What is a formjacking attack?   Source: Internet  Formjacking attacks are designed and executed by cybercriminals to steal financial and banking details from payment forms that can be captured directly on the checkout pages from eCommer…

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