What is Internet of Things (IoT)?
Let me assume that you are reading this page using your desktop, mobile or laptop which is connected to the internet. IoT can be defined as the number of devices that are connected to the internet to send data, receive instructions or both. Devices may include autonomous robots, sensors that monitor temperature, fitness trackers etc. that gathers data.
The IoT brings internet connectivity, data processing and analytics to the world of physical objects such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. In the enterprise settings, IoT can bring efficiencies and knowledge to the work place. For example, data from the machine can be used to predict whether the equipment will break down, giving advance warning to the manufacturers. Researchers also use IoT to gather data about customer preferences and behavior.
In 2020, there were more than 50 billion IoT devices that generated 4.4 zettabytes of data (1 zettabyte = 1 trillion gigabytes). In 2023, IoT devices generated a mere 100 billion gigabytes.
How does IoT work?
· The first element of an IoT system is the device that gathers data and send it through the internet for processing.
· Data is analyzed centrally
· Instructions based on analysis are returned to the devices
Let us state a typical example of how IoT helps the users/people. A farmer may get not need to water his paddy field if he knows that it is going rain during the needy season. He could get the information from the internet about the possibility of raining. Similarly, a jogger would keep track of how many kilometers he should run, to meet his target set. Such are the advantages of how IoT helps the users.
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