The Dark Web Explained



The Dark Web Explained

As it is termed, the word Dark Web (DW) is too intimidating? But what actually is DW?

The biggest global system-the internet holds everything/ every information about everyone. The internet comes in layers viz., visible, deep, and dark.

The Surface Web (SW)

The internet runs far deeper and wider than one can imagine. SW can be the World Wide Web (WWW), which is merely 10% of the entire web based on estimates. Therefore, nearly 2 billion public websites that you can search through search engines (from Wikipedia to public section websites) are just the tip of the iceberg. And while the website numbers keep on changing every second, most web pages on the internet domain remain hidden from the users. This is because “not all information you can access online belongs in the public domain”.

So, the question is- If we see just 10% of what is actually on the internet, where is the rest of it?

The dark web refers to an encrypted online content that is not indexed by conventional search engines such as Google. Then how can one have access to dark web?

Dark web can be accessed using specific browsers such as TOR browser. You can protect your privacy and maintain anonymity through dark web, unlike the traditional websites.


The dark web is the hidden collective of internet sites only accessible by a specialized web browser. It is used for keeping internet activity anonymous and private, which can be helpful in both legal and illegal applications. While some use it to evade government censorship, it has also been known to be utilized for highly illegal activity.

As the name implies, the dark web is a secret network (darknet) that exists underground, made up of series of websites that are hidden from the general public. These series of websites are not accessible through the traditional search engines such as Google.

But dark web serves bad as well as good purpose to the users.

a.     While scammers or the cyber-criminals uses dark web to host marketplaces for drugs, exchanges for stolen data, and other illegal activities.

b.    At the same time, dark web can be used by the people for legitimate reasons including political dissidents and for keeping certain information private.

Key Takeaways:

·      The dark web refers to encrypted online content which are not indexed by conventional search engines.

·      Tor browser can be used to access the dark web.

·      The dark web pulls up sites using information that isn’t indexed online such as bank accounts, email accounts and databases.

·      Users can maintain their privacy and freely express their views using the dark web.

·      Dark Web is associated with illicit and unethical activities.

·      The dark web uses information that isn’t available on other search engines. For example, content from individual accounts, email, social media, banking and other databases as well as legal/medical documents.

·      Tech giants and large media organizations have very little influence on the dark web.

·      While dark web is reputed for so many illicit and criminal activities; it also gives authorities the tools to apprehend the perpetrators of unethical activities.

·      Dark Web allows users to express themselves freely without being tracked online.

While people confuse dark web with cryptocurrencies- there is a distinct difference. While dark web offers a high degree of anonymity for everyone involved; cryptography offers the transparent and the trust. Further, while cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin is often used for transactions on the dark web; one does not use the dark web to use cryptocurrencies.

History of Dark Web

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory funded project-The Onion Router (TOR) offered the intelligence sources a way to communicate easily and safely, especially in hostile areas where personal safety is key. Tor browser is one of the browsers which is used to help people make their way around and find the information they need.

Dark web, Deep web and surface web!!!

The internet with millions of web pages, databases, and servers are ‘visible’ internet (aka surface or open web). These sites can be found using search engines such as Google and Yahoo-meaning they are just on the tip of the iceberg. The surface web makes only 5% of the total internet. Surface web can be indexed by search engines are their links are made available (through the process called ‘crawling’).

The deep web rests below the surface web and accounts for 90% of all websites. This web is hidden and is impossible to discover exactly how many pages or websites are active at any one time. Deep web refers to the sites that are not indexed and are only accessible via specialized web browsers such as the Tor. The largest of deep web includes databases (both public and privately protected file collections that are not connected to other areas of the web, only to be searched within the database itself); and intranet (internal networks for enterprises, governments, and educational facilities used to communicate and control aspects within their organizations).

The dark web is a very concealed portion of the deep web where only few interactions take place. The reputation of the dark web is often linked to criminal intent or illegal content and ‘trading’ sites where users can purchase illicit goods or services. For example, ‘no webpage indexing’, ‘virtual traffic tunnels’, and inaccessible by traditional browsers’ are some of the data that reside in dark web.


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