Meaning of number on Gas Cylinder



Meaning of number on Gas Cylinder

While we use LPG on daily basis, people usually do notice the code or the number written on the cylinder, but hardly care to understand the meaning of the code and/or number. In the following section, I will explain the meaning.

While receiving a gas cylinder from a delivery van/man, one should understand the code written on the cylinder. In addition, one should check the cylinder for possible leakage or breakages, to avoid explosions.

The number or code is written on the inner side of the metal strips that connect the body of the cylinder to the top ring/handle. It is an alphanumerical number that is A, B, C and D followed by a number. Each letter denotes a quarter of a year.


A denotes the January-March Quarter

B for April-June quarter

C for July-September quarter

D for October-December quarter


The alphabet written in the code on the cylinder tells the month of the testing that is performed, and the number indicates the year of testing. For example, A18 denotes that the cylinder has to be pulled out for mandatory tests in 2018 within the months of January-March. Similarly, if C17 is written on the cylinder, then it means that the mandatory test should be conducted in 2017 within the month of July-September.

For example, it a consumer in October month gets a cylinder with letter B17, then he or she must ask the supplier or the delivery boy to take it back and ask for replacement because the mandatory test has not been conducted. Also, one should check the valve of the cylinder for any possible leakages.

The LPG gas cylinder is made according to the BIS 3196 standard; and companies having BIS license and approval from CCOE i.e., Chief Controller of Explosives, are only allowed to make gas cylinders. At every level, test is conducted when cylinders are made. According to BIS Codes and Gas Cylinder Rules, 2004, the test is also done before circulating it in the market. After 10 years, all new cylinders are sent for big testing. Again, after 5 years, testing is done in the same way. Only once the gas cylinder passes the pressure test, the circulation is brought in.

A cylinder usually has a life of 15 years and mandatory tests are conducted twice during that time. With the help of hydro test, water is filled and the cylinder is checked for leakages. Another test is the pneumatic test, during which five times more pressure than what is usually stored, is applied. If the cylinder fails in either of the tests, it is scrapped.

Though such tests are applied on the LPG, there is no harm in checking the cylinder during the purchase or the delivery.



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  1. Absolutely, understanding the LPG gas code is important for anyone who uses liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in their home.

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