Web2 vs. Web3



What is the web evolution?


Source: Internet

o   Web 1 evolved from static texts and visuals (1990-2005). It was a Content Delivery Network (CDN) where users accessed the static data and were never given the chance to express their thoughts, remarks, opinions,

·      Designed specifically for corporations

·      Benefit the staff

·      Users were charged per page visit

·      Example such as MySpace, Google, LiveJournal and Yahoo among others.

During the period of web 1, only firms engaged or who knows how to manage the internet were benefitted. This was during this period that gave way to dot-com from 1995 to 2000 during which many web firms were born.


o   Web 2 is the current version (2006- present)

·      Revolutionized web and allied industries

·      Users can collect, generate and distribute data in just one click i.e., users/developers can construct/design data/website and distribute the data in the internet.

·      Example such as Instagram, Facebook, Video steaming apps, blogs, etc.

·      This period marks the ease to share pictures and video over the internet.

o   Web 3 (fast approaching). Due to the rise in the adoption of blockchain technology across various apps and sites, the version 3.0 is evolving. The main difference between web 2 and web 3 is the “DECENTRALIZATION”. Users will own their content and have complete control over using the internet.

·      Distributed ownership (decentralization) and control (users will have control in the internet)

·      Based on AI models

·      Trustworthy and data-driven user interface

·      Example such as Blockchain, metaverse, sematic web (data will be machine readable) will be leveraged on web 3.


Let’s focus more on web 2.0 and web 3.0

While web 2.0 focuses on reading and writing content, web 3.0 focuses on creating content (semantic web). Now what is semantic web?

The key goal of the Semantic Web is to enable users to search, discover, share and join information with less effort. In other words, currently, humans execute multiple tasks such as booking online tickets, searching for different information, etc. while machines are not able to carry out any of these tasks without human intervention because web pages are made to read by humans and not machines. With the Semantic Web, the data will be quickly interpreted by machines, allowing the machines to carry out most of the tasks with the information available in the web. Therefore, with Sematic Web, machines will quickly understand and react to complicated human requests, thus requiring the information in the web to be semantically structured.

Some key differences between web 2.0 and web 3.0

o   While web 2.0 aims to connect people, web 3.0 combines connection among people with the increasing trust. This is “DECENTRALIZATION”.

o   Payments on web 2.0 are made in fiat currency such as the currencies issued by the government. For example, the US dollar being used during the transactions. On the other hand, web 3.0 uses cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum or Bitcoin which are not owned by the government. This is “CURRENCY”.

o   In web 2.0, the information is stored in the central server, which may cause access issues and concerns about the anonymity and protection of data. On the other hand, web 3.0 solves this issue by distributed the data in multiple locations i.e., node-to-node or peer-to-peer. This is “OWNERSHIP”.

o   Web 2.0 has slower access speed as the data is stored in a central location, and sometimes the network congestion may pose difficulty in accessing the data. On the other hand, web 3.0 uses decentralization. This is the difference in terms of “SPEED”.

o   The most common technologies used in web 2.0 include AJAX, JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS. On the other hand, web 3.0 uses Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Semantic Web and Decentralized Technologies such as Blockchain. This is the difference in “TECHNOLOGY”.

o   Web 2.0 includes applications such as podcasts, social bookmarking, blogs, RSS feeds and video sites. On the other hand, web 3.0 incorporates AI, Machine Learning-Powered dApps, virtual worlds and 3D portals. This is the difference in “APPLICATIONS.

    Unlike Web 2.0, where the code is being written and controlled by a small group of experts, in Web 3.0, the code will be developed in full view of everyone, encouraging maximum participation and experimentation. This is “BOTTOM-UP DESIGN”. 


Practical Comparisons: web 2.0 vs. web 3.0


1.     While in web 2.0, the owners of the websites are in charge of the content moderation i.e., the content of the website is at the discretion of the owners. In web 3.0, the central control is dismantled, making the internet entirely run by the people who use it.

2.     In Web 2.0, the websites a censor content and creators at will; while in web 3.0, social media sites and the like would not be able to do that ‘cos control has been entirely decentralized. For instance, in web 2.0, payment for certain types of works (such as adult content) and also can require personal information to complete payments. In web 3.0, these services will be under conditional ‘smart contracts’ and need not have to require personal information. Similarly, in web 2.0, the sites/server uptime cannot be guaranteed and very often, the jobs those are already announced disappear overnight. Web 3.0 servers are built upon blockchain technology-specifically Ethereum- and server downtime, jobs/announcements disappearance will not occur as Ethereum has a decentralized backend of 1000s of computers.

Some limitations of Web 3.0

1.     Currently, web 3.0 scalability is quite slow as transactions on a blockchain require validation through node and then propagation through the rest of the network, which requires more time and resources.

2.     As users are already used to in using the apps available in web 2.0, Dapps (decentralized apps struggle to be usable outside of the inner circle of web 3.0 developers and enthusiasts.

3.     There is a very little integration between web 2.0 and web 3.0 apps currently, so convincing everyday users to manage this integration themselves is too hard.

4.     The cost of web 3.0 dapps and services is much higher at the moment than anything with relation to web 2.0  



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